Thursday, September 27, 2007
Office Halloween
Friday, September 14, 2007
"The goldenrod is yellow;
The corn is turning brown;
The trees in apple orchards
With fruit are bending down."
I hear so many say that this approaching fall season is their favorite time of the year. I will include myself in that group. The words above do not express what fall feels like here in Blazingly Hot Sunny South Florida, however, but I like to read those words and conjure up the image just the same. The picture below was taken by my sister-in-law a couple of years ago when we were touring the Great Smoky Mountains with her daughter and my other niece. What a great time it was. We were actually there running away from hurricanes that year. What we found was a great change.....of scenery, of atmosphere, of thoughts in general.
This picture has become my screen saver. If I look very closely at it, I can hear the water running and feel the coolness one can only experience here. I know if you've ever been there, you know exactly what I mean.
I've been longing for this place of late. Maybe it is because of the peace and calm that overcomes me in this park. Life is interesting. I say that to myself many times a day. We never know what the next day or even minute will bring. We can't control it....only roll with it. What comes our way is not always what we wish for or expect. Life has been interesting to me lately. I learned many years ago that the control of it all lies within the hands of Our Father, who I keep saying must think I'm a very strong person....that I can handle a lot. If He believes in me that way, I need to also. It's the giving it up that makes us stronger, don't you think? That sounds like an oxymoron, but it's true. the water that endlessly runs in the mountains above, I will continue to have faith that life will run over some rocks on some days and flow smoothly on others.
Wishing you all......warm wishes and sweet dreams,